Sinus Care Specialist

What are sinuses?

Your sinuses are a system of connected cavities in your skull. Some are located behind your cheeks, others are in the center of your forehead, behind and between your eyes.

A soft tissue called mucosa lines your sinuses. Researchers believe our sinuses help filter and humidify the air we breathe, and also help enhance our voices.

What are some common sinus conditions?

Many things can cause pain and inflammation in your sinus cavities. Some examples include:

  • Chronic sinusitis
  • Acute sinusitis
  • Deviated septum
  • Hay fever, or allergic rhinitis
  • Nasal polyps

Sometimes sinus problems flare up and calm down in a relatively short time, but in other cases, the issue becomes chronic.

How are sinus problems diagnosed?

An accurate diagnosis is critical to successful sinus treatment. Dr. Bateman offers an in-house CT scanner, an advanced imaging system that delivers direct imaging of your sinuses. The ability to reach an accurate diagnosis quickly without having to set up appointments at multiple locations is an advantage for most.

What is a turbinate reduction?

Your turbinates are small, bony structures inside your nose that act to humidify and cleanse the air you breathe. Infection, irritation, or allergies can cause inflammation in your turbinates, which creates nasal congestion. 

Turbinate reduction is a procedure that uses radiofrequency energy to create controlled damage to the tissues in your turbinates. After healing, the turbinates are reduced in size, allowing air to move more freely.

What is balloon sinus dilation?

Balloon sinus dilation, or BSD, is a minimally invasive procedure that can be done in the office, treating sinusitis and other sinus conditions.

Each one of your sinuses has a small opening, or ostium, often as small as one milimeter in size. Air must be able to enter through the ostium and produced mucous has to be able to exit the same way for your sinus to stay healthy. Allergies, environmental irritants and thick mucus can block the ostium and lead to sinus infection and inflammation: sinusitis.

Balloon sinus dilation gently opens the ostium to 4 or 5 times its normal size, stretching and reshaping the soft tissue and egg-shell-thin bone around the ostium. Because the tissue here is non-elastic, the balloon can be immediately withdrawn, and the ostium will heal and remain permanently larger.

Balloon sinus dilation can be superior to sinus surgery because it can be done in the office under local anesthesia, and most patients can go back to normal activities the next day.

To explore these and other treatments for sinus problems, call Sheridan Ear Nose & Throat, or visit the online booking page to set up an appointment.

What is a turbinate reduction?

Your turbinates are small bony structures inside your nose; they act like fins on a radiator. They help warm, humidify and cleanse the air you ininhale on its way to your lungs. Infection, irritation, or allergies can cause inflammation in your turbinates, making them grow larger and creating nasal congestion.

Turbinate reduction is a procedure that can be done in the office under local anesthesia to gently reduce the size and plumpness of your turbinates, preserving their function, while opening up your nasal airway. After healing, the turbinates are reduced in size, allowing air to move more freely.

way of recovery time. You’ll be back in the swing of your regular routines the next day.

To explore these and other treatments for sinus problems, call Sheridan Ear Nose & Throat, or book an appointment online.

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8:00 am - 4:00 pm


8:00 am - 4:00 pm


8:00 am - 4:00 pm


8:00 am - 4:00 pm


8:00 am - 4:00 pm





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